Sunday, 22 February 2009


Girl on Calais-Dover ferry



Breakfast ..

Valentijn with orange and, in foreground, a platter of flavoured oils.

Friday, 6 February 2009

Barcelona, summer

I was trawling through photographs I took of the snow when I stumbled upon these forgotten customers from Barcelona, back in early September of last year. Ah Barcelona - the eventualities of that fateful trip. Between frayed tempers, lost wallets and missed flights, somewhere amongst the regurgitated contents of Maoz-laden stomachs, there was actually a rather good time. A time I shall never forget. Thankfully, chronological time itself is dissolving the bad bits and preserve the good - and the comedy of the bad - as is its wont. Therefore, I can now look back with something approaching nostalgia. I think Leo (the witty chap pictured spurting forth water like his Gaudian counterpart) has the bulk of photographs, or maybe Alex. These photographs were taken after Alex had left, and I can't remember why I didn't use my digital camera before this. A deep and meaningful reason, I am sure.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Detail from a woooonderful Caravaggio in the National Gallery. This was quite a while ago, I should draw much more. And, shit, here I was thinking that by scanning these in i'd make them look better and thus impress people - when actually you can click on them to access a horrifically magnified image, and thus see how poor the drawing actually is.


I had a lovely time in Cambridge last weekend pretending to be at King's College with my friend Anna who really is at King's College. This therefore means that she is very clever.

I did not take any photographs or draw any pictures, but I drew this man on the train home.

Man in NHS walk-in centre

A scan of a page in my notebook. I believe this man's name was Nigel Milwood, as announced by the nurse. I drew him whilst waiting to be seen by a doctor at the walk-in clinic in Whitechapel, to obtain antibiotics. My leg had become infected the previous day. This was on maybe the 23rd December? It took me a full 7 hours to find healthcare in London without being registered to a surgery. Never again.

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Drawing of hanger interior.